Eydie doesn't look anything like this. |
I don't look anything like this. |
So why isn't teaching as fun as it was back in 1985? Well, I have become a whore to the Common Core. Yes, yes, this is the educational initiative that is going to bring American education back to the forefront of the world (violin music rises to a crescendo). Test the bejeezuz out of these kids, and they will reach educational enlightenment. Oh yes, and teach to the test because that is always the great motivator. The creativity is being sucked right out of the classroom. If you find that glorious teachable moment, you had better find a Common Core standard that speaks to it.
Of course, a fancy-dancy graphic will also improve student performance. Just make sure to use lots of arrows.I think I counted 11 here. My math ain't so good. |
Yes, I know I sound like a cynical old bat. It is just that I have had enough initiatives thrown at me during the past 30-some years to have developed a rather high degree of skepticism. Just let good teachers teach, and let those good teachers mentor the new ones. The mentor-ship initiative (there is that word again) in my school district has teachers with less than 10 years of experience in leadership positions. I'm not sure if I knew how to empty the pencil sharpener at that point in my career. I thought I was a great teacher, but I was barely adequate. When districts hire, they hire young. Young=less dollars. Master teachers are encouraged to retire before age 60. Old=expensive. The result is that education today has lots of overflowing pencil sharpeners.
While I was visiting my daughter's university last week-end, I had an opportunity to go to a fabulous concert featuring 300 students from Lawrence's music conservatory. While looking at the concert program, I noticed that the vast majority of the professors who had taught these fine musicians were my age or older. When these professors joined their students for the final curtain call, they met a standing ovation from administration, parents, and students. Experience and wisdom were honored. These halls of higher education are what we hope for our students in middle and high school. Why don't we want the same level of experience in our teachers for these students as they prepare to enter colleges and universities? When is the last time the seasoned veteran teachers in your school district met with a "Standing O?" Maybe mine will happen as I enter my first hour class this morning.
This isn't really heading anywhere. I am just venting, and thank for for "listening." As my dad would have said, "Buck up, girl," and that is just what I will do today for the 6,120th time. If nothing else, I am persistent.
Nothing more romantic than taking a little grading to bed. |
And if you send this to my principal, just remember that my real name is Eunice Schnifflebottom, my school is in Outer Mongolia (no internet), and you will need an international airmail postage stamp on that envelope. No extra charge for yak delivery from the airport.
Prairie Sherry
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