Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Day 1 

Our creative plunge through the prairie has officially begun.  This is scary!  Recently we were watching Dr. Phil & Oprah.  Dr. There-are-two-sides-to-a-pancake Phil said you have to make a plan and write it down in order to star in your own life.    There is nothing we'd like more than to be stars, so this is the summer of creativity, a new Etsy site, and this blog.  

                       EARTH WITHOUT ART IS "EH"

Who ARE we?

We are two soul sistahs (Eydie and Sharon), teachers by day, artists by night, and moms all the time.  We live in an oasis of sanity within the Scott Walker Evil Empire.  Buying local is important-- as is art, as is quality mulch, as is butterfly bushes, as is Mod Podge. 

Prairie Grlz???

Five years ago we bonded over our fixation on Laura Ingalls Wilder--reminiscing over pig bladder balloons, Pet & Patty, the China Shepherdess, and  Ma's probable heavy drinking.  Neither of us like the TV version of Laura's inspiring life, though Michael Landon plowing the field sans shirt was HOT.  

Our goal?

When not engaging in insipid talk of Laura Ingalls or visiting DeSmet, South Dakota (we have hugged the cottonwoods that Pa planted--one tree for each of his girls), we adore collaging.  At the end of the summer we will launch our Prairie Grlz Etsy site.  We will be blogging (our first time) about our adventure as we go. 

Why?  Why?  Why?

We want to star in our own lives!!  Dare greatly!  Create!  Follow our passion!  Inspire others to create their own art and wear tiaras while doing it!  Have an ongoing excuse to get together and enjoy each other's quirky self!     

1 comment:

  1. You are both cuter than Laura I.W. as played by Melissa Gilbert ever was. And yes, even though I was only 10 or so, I did watch the series just to see Michael Landon smile. I could never see what he saw in Ma.
