Friday, December 6, 2013

The Twelve Days of Christmas

Lulu and Kristen are both are fans of puffy, sparkly bows.
My darling friend, Kristen, has the best ideas!  Like going trick or treating with me and my kids on a blustery, rainy, chilly, dark Halloween Eve.  She even wore heels!!!  (Admittedly, wearing heels wasn't her bEsT idea.)

While on one of our pumpkin spice latte runs, Kristen told me about a tradition she has with her former college roommate.  They cleverly call it, "The Twelve Days of Christmas." 

Here is how "The Twelve Days of Christmas" works.  Kristen and her roomie buy each other 12 presents.  Each present is festively wrapped and labeled with a number.  Every day from December 13th - December 24th they get to open one present. Woot!  Woot!  

For example, Kristen bought her roommate a Mac n' Cheese cookbook for day 11. She marked her 11 favorite recipes.  (It seems dear Kristen and her roommate enjoyed Mac n' Cheese after hitting the bars.)  For day 6, Kristen bought a Lifesaver Storybook that had 6 rolls of Lifesavers.  Oh alright!  I will give you one more example. Day 12 is a holiday cupcake mix that makes a dozen cupcakes!  

I wonder if Prairie Pa ever ate any of the chocolate covered cherries???

I had to jump in on the fun.  I decided to choose someone who often comes up lacking in the gift department.  Prairie Pa came to mind immediately.  Prairie Pa spent Christmas after Christmas with the same gifts from me and my brother, Mark.  A mug and a box of chocolate covered cherries bought from Holt Drug.  There were never any complaints and he always seemed THRILLED with the traditional gifts.  Have I mentioned that Prairie Pa is an excellent actor?

Have FUN Prairie Pa!
I did not feel advanced enough in the "12 Days" tradition to figure out the numbers, plus I am terrible with math.  So, I ignored making the gift correspond with the number and bought Prairie Pa 12 specially chosen presents.  I wrapped and numbered the gifts before delivering them to him over Thanksgiving.  (I don't want to give anything away, but Prairie Pa will NOT be opening any mugs or chocolate covered cherries this year.)

I would love to do the "The Twelve Days of Christmas" for all my family and friends.  I love shopping and I love my peeps.  But, I am following the advise of beloved Prairie Grl, Mother Teresa.  "If you cannot feed one hundred people, just feed one."  Next year, I will choose a new person and start all over again.  (Hmmmm.  My fabulous High School friend comes to mind.) 

Prairie Eydie 

PS - An update from Kristen.  She was having problems thinking of a gift for number 8.  So, Kristen bought a box of 18 mints, ate 10 of the mints, and then changed the number on the box.  Love it!  I can't wait to see what idea Kristen comes up with next.  


  1. I was LITERALLY writing to you about something very similar in the Circle Journal (because I am bound and determined to actually get it back to you, but wanted to wait until I had something cool to write about!). My sister and I have filled each other's stockings for years at Christmas, but I decided to spin it this year. I made her an advent box...with silly little gifts...each wrapped and numbered, so she could open one every day December 1 - 25. Hoping she likes it (and there's no way I could have been clever enough to match the numbers to the days. Kristen is CLEARLY an inventive genius!).

  2. That is SO awesome!!! How could your sister not like that??? You're the best. Kristen IS an inventive genius. :-) Prairie Eydie

  3. OMG! Jenny - I am so glad we didn't think of doing that for Mark Goodman when FOMG was in its glory days. Co-President Eydie

  4. Oh what I would do for an 8 pack of Pepsi in glass bottles. Fun idea.

  5. Patrick - How about 5 bottles of Pepsi, so I can drink 3 of them???
